
I’m Kathryn Greenhill.

I swim at the beach many mornings, grow small fruit trees and flowers in huge pots, love connecting with people but hate small talk, have a yoga mat and am not afraid to use it. I transplanted to Adelaide in South Australia in 2021.

I lived for 20 years in Fremantle Western Australia because it’s full of musos and hippies and people living their lives a few degrees away from the mainstream.

I currently work as Lecturer in Information Management for the University of South Australia, focusing on information retrieval, collection management and foundations of information management.

For a decade I lectured in Libraries, Archives, Records and Information Science at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia where I helped students become fearless explorers of technology. During COVID-19 year, I worked as Senior Librarian (Copyright) at the University of Western Australia.

My PhD research is about understanding kindness in public libraries.

I often speak, write and facilitate workshops about the impact of emerging technologies on libraries and our users.  I have given over 50 presentations in Australia, New Zealand, the United States, the Netherlands, the UK and South Africa.   My kathryngreenhill.com site lists publications, presentations and professional awards.