Paul’s modest proposal – I’m in… & raise you all a topic


I really like Paul’s suggestion that everyone doing #blogjune could write on the same topic on Wednesday 21 June .

If you don’t own a calendar, or just didn’t think about it, you may not realise that we are over the half way mark! Hooray! … and given that many of us have just written 17 posts in the last 17 days, thank goodness for one less post to come up with.

Pop over to Paul’s place to see what we will all be writing about…and maybe understand what an avocado has in common with Jessamyn West.  I can guarantee I will mention Zotero, my reading glasses, cordless headphones and a cat in my lap…

So – as a community service, and because I have been so relieved to have a pre-canned topic to write about, I am going to ask a couple of  questions for other #blogjune people to answer.

I’m proposing that #blogjune-ers who would like to play along respond to these on Wednesday June 28th.

I am also inviting people who usually #blogjune but are not this year, or are #blogjune-curious, to maybe use it as a chance to play along by making a blogjune post anywhere with its own URL. So that we can see your one-off contribution, if you post the link to Twitter that day with the #blogjune hashtag, I will Storify it and post it here the next day.

It was actually hard to think of questions that did not sound like we were speed-dating or interviewing for a library job. I settled for two questions about time travel…

  1. If you could go back and tell your 20 year old self one thing that was going to happen to you between then and today, what would that be?
  2. In 20 years time (presuming the world gets better, not worse) what do you think will be the biggest technological difference between your life now and your life then ?



2 thoughts on “Paul’s modest proposal – I’m in… & raise you all a topic

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